Saturday, October 17, 2009

Starting the Countdown

Recently I have been thinking of what it would be like to blast off into space. I've never been one to read all about the astronauts and dream of "being one" some day, although I've been told that someone that walked on the moon was a distant relative of mine (so I'm sure I have an inside chance of being chosen to work for NASA!). But yet flying off into space has been on my mind the past few weeks.

I was intrigued by the work of the Rutan brothers - sending a home made space craft up and back a couple times to win a 10 million dollar prize. It wasn't the money, but the challenge that drew me, although the money would be a nice bonus. Just the fact of leaving the earth behind me, watching it in the rear view mirror as I went farther and farther away from ... everything.

Perhaps my interest has to do with how tired I have become of what the world has to offer. I seek a new world that God has planned for me.

However, just like the preparation that the astronauts have to go through, I can't expect to be ready without my own preparations. Jesus has challenged us to go to all the world, making disciples of all nations, and sharing the good news of a loving Father. That doesn't happen if I spend all of my time sitting in front of the TV, or putting in extra hours at the office. If I am going to do the job that God has given me, I have to do something.

So I want to start the countdown. I want to do something every day that leads to finishing the work that is before me. I want to go home!

Are you ready to start the countdown with me?

God bless you abundantly!

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